March is National Nutrition Month®. Celebrate with your family by trying some of these helpful and healthful suggestions.
Sensible snacking
Encourage your children to eat more fruits and vegetables by setting an example! Have carrots and celery or cut-up fruit readily available for your family to snack on.
A low-calorie snack
Half a large pepper offers you a full day’s worth of vitamin C. Munch on a pepper, just as you would on an apple, for a delicious, low-calorie snack.
Fresh or frozen
Frozen fruits and vegetables are just as nutritious as fresh. Toss carrots, broccoli, or corn into canned soup, or make a fruit smoothie for a quick, delicious breakfast.
Fiber for digestive health
Eating a variety of fruits and vegetables
The benefits of blue and purple
All fruits and vegetables from the blue and purple color family contain flavonoids, the most powerful phytochemicals found in nature. Phytochemicals decrease one’s risk of cancer, osteoporosis, cardiovascular disease, and much more!
Carbohydrate facts
Excess calories are fattening, carbohydrates are not.
‘Soft’ fat vs ‘hard’ fat
Choose your fat wisely. Limit your intake of “hard” fat, such as lard and butter, and use more “soft” fat, such as olive oil and canola oil.
Hunger help
Fiber-rich breads, cereals, and pastas curb your hunger. They also help with weight management.
Whole-grain goodness
Brown rice, whole-wheat bread, and whole-wheat crackers contain more B vitamins, potassium, and fiber than processed white varieties.
Restaurant advice
When dining out, ask for whole-grain foods. Some Italian restaurants offer whole-wheat pasta or pizza crusts. Ask for brown rice at Asian restaurants.
Labels tell it all
A dark-colored bread does not mean it is a whole-wheat bread. Take a look at the ingredients. Look for the words “whole grain” listed first in the ingredients.
Colorful vegetables

Dark, colorful vegetables, such as broccoli, peppers, tomatoes, and carrots, are more nutrient dense than pale cucumbers, mushrooms, and celery.
Early to bed
Get some rest. Your body recovers and repairs while you are sleeping. Sleep also can affect your weight and mood.
A perfect start to the day
Start your day off right with oatmeal, an excellent source of whole grains. Spruce up your oatmeal with some cranberries, apples, and nuts!
Which cereal to choose
When choosing cereal, look for those that contain at least 3 grams (g) fiber/serving, no more than 6 g sugar/serving, and no trans-fat.
The fewer, the better
When it comes to choosing meat, the fewer the legs, the better. Chicken has two legs, thus it is a better option than pork, which has four legs.
Fish for omega-3s
Fish contain significant amounts of healthy omega-3 fatty acids that promote heart health. When purchasing fish, buy domestic, wild varieties and stay current on the latest news.
Provided by Nutrition 411